Artwork related to my in-progress story, Remnant Stream
*note - older, suckier pictures at top, newer pictures at bottom
These are artworks that have not yet been colored, and may never be colored. If they are finished
in the future, they will be removed from the sketches section.
Not Sketches
Teorand Halfanyl.
Coell Araki.
Mirian D'Engle. My first pictured colored with photoshop.
Mojero Calirast.
Jeannegarde Ifraine
Scene of Jeannegarde fighting Cirle. This is partially a concept design, and events/details shown
in this drawing may or may not occur in the story. Warning - large file (400kb).
Elena Moire
Jeannegarde Ifraine - street clothes
Mojero Calirast - complete tactical gear
Trevor - An older picture I forgot to color and upload for a while.
Works published on this site (artwork and text) are property of the author and are not to be used elsewhere or
sold without permission. Contact the author here.